Arugampul Powder - 100g
₹ 185 / Piece
₹ 245
Arugampul Powder - 100g
Arugampul Powder - 100g
Purifies Blood & Boosts Immune System.
USAGE: Decoction can be made and drunk.
Durva Cynodon dactylon Whole Plant
Indications: Acts as blood purifier, improves immunity, general health tonic
Cynodon dactylon is a key herb having a various medicinal properties. It is used in traditional medicine as a blood purifier. Presence of flavonoids in Cynodon dactylon helps in diabetes for its hypoglycaemic effects and pancreatic beta cell regeneration.
Dosage: 2 – 4 gm twice or thrice a day after food with warm water.
Botanical Name Cynodon dactylon
English Bermuda grass
Telugu Garike
Malayalam Karukappullu
Kannada Garikehullu
Sanskrit Durva
Hindi Dhob